
Dr. Quintin Bullock

Community College of Allegheny County

Dr Quintin Bullock, President
Community College of Allegheny County
Dr. Quintin B. Bullock is the ninth president of the Community College of Allegheny County, a multi-campus institution serving approximately 42,000 credit and noncredit students in nearly 160 programs of study across six diverse career paths. He is a consummate professional, an experienced educator, an effective community leader, an empathetic mentor, and a positive role model for students and aspiring leaders, with an extensive, diverse professional background in higher education. He is a proven and results-oriented community college president who is recognized for his exemplary leadership and for being a powerful advocate for the students and communities he serves.


Gina Cheverine 
Managing Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion
Greater Cleveland Partnership

Gina Cheverine, Managing Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion
Greater Cleveland Partnership
Gina’s career focus spans leadership development, nonprofit capacity building, and advocating for gender and racial equity with a goal of empowering others. She aims to strengthen and initiate positive change in her community through coalition-building and economic development. A former social worker, she currently serves as the Managing Vice President of Inclusion and Strategic Partnerships at the Greater Cleveland Partnership (GCP), the largest metropolitan chamber of commerce in the country. In this role, she is dedicated to closing racial disparities in jobs, income and wealth to make the region’s diversity a source of economic strength. Gina advances this mission by consulting with businesses to create more inclusive organizational cultures and convening community stakeholders to stimulate growth for businesses owned by people of color.


Luz Colon

Pennsylvania Governor’s Commission on Latino Affairs

Luz Colon, Commissioner
Pennsylvania Governor’s Commission on Latino Affairs

In March of 2016, Luz was named by Governor Tom Wolf as the Executive Director of the Governor’s Advisory Commission for Latino Affairs (GACLA). Luz has embraced this state-wide leadership role with typical vigor and charm, strongly connecting with near and distant Latino communities throughout Pennsylvania. This dedication to others has been the driving force behind Colon’s nearly 30-year career in public service.

Luz grew up in North Philadelphia, in the Kensington section, the very same community in where her roots were planted and continues to serve.  Luz’s cultural background and focus on community collaboration has led her to a number of volunteer opportunities and community and government leadership roles. These opportunities have allowed her to service the needs and bridge the gap between the Government and the community.


Annelies Goger
David M. Rubenstein Fellow – Metropolitan Policy Program

The Brookings Institution

Annelies Goger, David M. Rubenstein Fellow – Metropolitan Policy Program
The Brookings Institution

Annelies Goger is an economic geographer focused on developing innovative policy solutions to address rising inequality and increase access to economic opportunity. Her recent work investigates the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. and examines how to prevent further inequality by strengthening safety nets and community support infrastructure for displaced workers and small businesses. She is an expert in U.S. workforce development policy, global supply chains, and inclusive economic development.

Prior to joining Brookings, Annelies was a senior associate at Social Policy Research Associates, where she evaluated national workforce development and human services programs and supported workforce agencies with research and technical assistance. She was also a research associate at IMPAQ International and the Duke University Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness (now the Duke Global Value Chains Center). Her doctoral research examined ethical manufacturing practices in Sri Lankan clothing supply chains, where she was a Fulbright scholar and a Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellow.


Dr. Daniel Greenstein
Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education

Dr. Daniel Greenstein, Chancellor
Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education
Dr. Daniel Greenstein became the fifth chancellor of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education on September 4, 2018. In that role, he serves as chief executive officer of the State System, which operates Pennsylvania’s 14 public universities, serving more than 90,000 students.  Greenstein previously led the Postsecondary Success strategy at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where he worked with other higher education leaders across the country on initiatives designed to raise educational-attainment levels and to promote economic mobility, especially among low-income and minority students.  He holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and a D.Phil. from the University of Oxford. An enthusiastic cyclist, Dan and his wife, Melissa, have two children. ​


Sheila Ireland
Deputy Secretary, Workforce Development

Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry

Sheila Ireland, Deputy Secretary, Workforce Development
Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry
Sheila Ireland’s hallmark of success is her ability to translate the context organizational problems to effectively re-align people and processes with organizational objectives.  Her ability to create tactical, innovative and strategic initiatives results in programs that drive performance improvement and produce bottom line results in intensely competitive and highly regulated markets. Sheila Ireland currently serves as the Deputy Secretary for Workforce Development in the Department of Labor ad Industry for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Leveraging a deputate staff of almost 600 employees and a budget of $380M of Federal and State funding,  the deputate oversees the planning, oversight and direction of Pennsylvania’s public workforce system.  


Rob Jones
President & CEO
Inclusive Works/ InGoodCompany, LLC

Rob Jones, President & CEO
Inclusive Works/ InGoodCompany, LLC
Rob is President & CEO, InclusiveWorks|IngoodCompany LLCs, a Pittsburgh-based consulting firm with a unique, innovative approach to cultural safety through management systems. His lengthy and distinguished service to the energy industry included three F-500 companies, management positions in Administrative Systems, Marketing, Sales, Community & Foundation Affairs, State & Federal External/Public Affairs, and Economic Development. Rob served as instructor at the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (IMDI), where he taught HR Information Systems and business information systems management. 

As a social scientist, Rob’s landmark applied research within business organizations has provided the academic and scholarly basis for a unique and innovative approach to Diversity & Inclusion consulting. A focus on key behavioral metrics and methods is designed to systematize and embed sustainable diversity & inclusion behavior and learning through the strategic management of relationships, both intra-organizational and interpersonal.


Dr. Denise Pearson
Vice Chancellor & Chief Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Officer
Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education

Dr. Denise Pearson, Vice Chancellor & Chief Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Officer
Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education
Dr. Denise Pearson was appointed as the State System’s chief diversity officer in August 2020.  Prior to joining the State System, she served as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Equity Initiatives for the association of State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO) where she was responsible for collaborating with chief executives of state higher education agencies and their staffs to promote policies and practices that improved access and student success across member states and territories. During her tenure at SHEEO, Dr. Pearson worked closely with chief academic and chief diversity officers to support effectiveness and build capacity to improve student outcomes in a variety of areas including equity-minded leadership, teacher preparation, adult learners, state degree attainment, and postsecondary education for incarcerated populations. 


Jen Strobel

Vice President, Human Resources

Flagger Force

Jen Strobel, Vice President, Human Resources
Flagger Force

Jen Strobel is Vice President of Human Resources for Flagger Force, an industry leader in temporary traffic control and construction work zone safety throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Throughout her career at Flagger Force, she has developed innovative programs to cultivate leaders, foster collaboration and provide opportunities for growth including the creation and co-sponsorship of the Workforce Development Program at Flagger Force.  She is an advocate for providing career opportunities to people with diverse backgrounds. 

Jen has been recognized numerous times throughout her career with several awards including the Athena Award from the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce, the 'Woman of the Year' Award from the Association of Builders and Contractors, Central Penn Business Journal 'Forty Under 40' Award and the Millersville University Outstanding Service Award.

 Jen continues to actively serve her community on multiple committees and boards throughout the region.  And she is happiest when she can spend a relaxing day at the beach with her husband and 2 adult children.